Response to Intervention

District RTI

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a way to provide immediate supplemental support, on a daily basis, to those students who need extra help. Progress is then monitored to assure that growth is seen. The district calls these supports tiered interventions and the progress monitoring enables us to see the students' response to interventions. Every student in the district is assessed (benchmarked) three times a year, just to make sure they are developing skills at grade level.

The district benchmarks students in grades K-8 three times a year- fall, winter, and spring. Benchmarking will take place in September, January, and March for the Reading and Math assessments. Students receive interventions based on data collected through benchmarking and progress monitoring and decisions made at Data Team Meetings. Students receive interventions and are progress monitored to make sure their interventions are effective as long as they need the interventions. At certain times throughout the year, your child's progress monitoring data will be sent home along with activities you can do with your child to increase their skills.

Please take the time to look over these and discuss them with your child. If students make sufficient progress, they may be dropped from an intervention based on progress monitoring data, classroom performance, and team recommendations.


Links to help your child with reading, spelling, and writing.
My Breakfast Reading Program
Spelling City
Count Us In
Math Activities through SoftSchools
Math IXL

Heidi Schultz
Business: 815-672-2926
Email: [email protected]

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