6.10 Educational Philosophy and Objectives
6.15 School Accountability
6.20 School Year Calendar and Day
6.30 Organization of Instruction
6.40 Curriculum Development
6.50 School Wellness
6.60 Curriculm Content
6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development
6.70 Teaching About Religions
6.80 Teaching About Controversial Issues
6.100 Using Animals in the Educational Program
6.110 Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and_or Dropping Out of School and Graduation
6.120 Education of Children with Disabilities
6.130 Program for the Gifted
6.135 Accelerated Placement Program
6.140 Education of Homeless Children
6.145 Migrant Students
6.150 Home and Hospital Instruction
6.160 English Learners
6.170 Title I Programs
6.180 Extended Instructional Programs
6.190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
6.210 Instructional Materials
6.230 Library Media Program
6.235 Access to Electronic Networks
6.240 Field Trips
6.250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
6.255 Assemblies and Ceremonies
6.260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs
6.270 Guidance and Counseling Program
6.280 Grading and Promotion
6.290 Homework
6.330 Achievement and Awards
6.340 Student Testing and Assessment Program